This Brand New Toy Improves Your Pets’ Health & Happiness... You Won't Believe How Genius It Is

Find out why thousands of pet owners are rushing to get this intelligent new toy for their cats and dogs!

If you're a pet owner, then you know just how much your dog or cat craves your love and attention. It's easy to give them that when you're at home.

But how can you make sure your pet feels loved and cared for when you're away for hours at a time?

Don't you hate the thought of them feeling alone and abandoned? FlappyFish is a US-based startup that's created a solution for you to keep your pet engaged and happy all day long, even when you're not at home!

Honestly, it's quite genius...

What Exactly Is it?

The project started with a small group of passionate pet owners. They dreaded leaving their pets alone all day bored, lonely, and suffering from separation anxiety.

Most toys available on the market were boring for pets, or got destroyed within minutes. And none of the toys offered the same excitable, happy-go-lucky play their pets craved from being together.

So they made something different. Flappy Fish Friend is an automated play toy that engages your pet in exciting, active play, just like you're there with them!

And because it's 100% non-toxic and tear resistant, your pet can chew it up all day long without concern.

But the Flappy Fish Friend is a lot more than just an automatic toy.

It's a smart gadget that taps into your dog's natural hunting instincts, and keeps them healthy, active and never bored.

So, Why Are Pet Owners So Obsessed With It?

Every loving pet owner wants the best for their most valuable family member. But did you know that boredom and inactivity are some of the primary causes of destructive tendencies, depression and anxiety in pets?

Flappy Fish Friend helps alleviate all of these symptoms. It gives your pup an easy way to stay active and healthy, even when you aren't there.

With Flappy Fish Friend you're not getting just another toy. You get the peace of mind that your best friend is happy, engaged, and fulfilled in your absence.

How Does It Work?

The Flappy Fish Friend requires no human input. It's totally hands free!

It uses intelligent motion sensors that activate the toy as soon as your pet touches it. Its smart programming chip will alternate between moving like a real fish - speeding up the more your pet plays with it and slows down when it detects no motion.

But that's not all! The Flappy Fish Friend integrated awareness detector will keep the toy flopping around for as long as your dog interacts with it. Once your friend is tired, the toy switches off and patiently waits for your pet to play again.

What Else Do I Get With My FlappyFish?

The Flappy Fish Friend is already lightyears better than any other pet toy. The WuzuTech Team, makers of the Flappy Fish, has gone above and beyond in packing it full of extra features for your pet:

• Waterproof and Saliva Proof - The Flappy Fish Friend is easy to clean up and wont get damaged from your pets’ saliva or rolling through water

• USB-Rechargeable - Easy charging from any device with a standard USB-C cable (included)

• USB port Long-Lasting Battery - Just 1-hour of charging will give your kitty or doggo 8 hours of fun (while you're at work!)

• Automatic Action - The Flappy Fish Friend doesn't need any help from people. It automatically detects motion and touch and that triggers a variety of motions.

• Built To Last - Made from durable and tear-resistant elastic materials that won't rip, even with strong dog breeds

• 100% Non-Toxic - The elastic is completely safe to bite. No dangerous chemicals.

• Cat Friendly - Not just for your dogs - Your cat will love chasing the Flappy Fish Friend, too!

With the Flappy Fish Friend, you can give your pet a friend that will keep them healthy, entertained and active while you're away. You can always come home to a happy pup that is ready for your love and care.

These Fur Buddies Below Give Flappy Fish Friend 2 Paws Up!

How Much Does It Cost?

What is your pet's happiness and health worth to you? If you're like most loving pet owners, there isn't a price tag out there that you wouldn't pay. And chances are, you've already paid at least $500 over the years on cheap, junky toys that get torn up after the first use. Well, I've got good news for you.

Flappy Fish Friend usually only costs $39.99.

That's already an amazing deal, right? We thought so, too, Which is why we were floored to hear that the company is offering a one-time only deep discount of 50% OFF just for our readers!

Now you can get the Flappy Fish Friend for only $19.99.

That's an incredibly small price to pay to have your best friend feeling happy, healthy, and loved all day long.

How Can It Be So Affordable?

As a startup, Flappy Fish Friend is able to cut costs where no big brand could possibly do. They save money on expensive executive salaries and big corporate branding budgets.

Flappy Fish Friend is also sold exclusively online, so that they don't have to give a cut to a big retailer.

All of this allows them to pass on these savings to every loving pet owner out there, like you!

Is It A Good Time to Buy Now or Wait?

You could wait, but the product is already catching on like crazy. Big social media channels are posting reviews and stock is quickly running out.

This is the perfect moment to get your pet the perfect companion, While stock will most definitely get replenished, the Flappy Fish Friend will likely never get discounted this deep again.

Buyer's Warning!

Please make sure you buy the Flappy Fish Friend directly from the website we've linked below. This is the only way to guarantee that you are getting the real WuzuTech guarantee backed product and not some cheap knock off. We have already seen stories of people getting a regular tennis ball for the same price.

Don't fall for similar traps. Get the Flappy Fish Friend from their official website here

Update - Shortly after this article was posted, one of the biggest pet-care social media influencers posted a review. As a result, hundreds of customers have made use of the limited time promo.

So hurry up before this 50% OFF discount is gone and you have to wait for a new batch to be produced and need to pay full price.